Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pronto Pups and Cheese Curds

Location coordinates:
44°58'42"N, 93°10'25"W
Minnesota State Fairgrounds
Falcon Heights, Minnesota

As summer draws to a close here in Minnesota there seems to be two things you can count on to mark the beginning of the summer to fall transition. First, any drop of temperature below 80 degrees seems to put many into a disheartened state of mind as they ponder the certainty of cold weather to come. Eager TV meteorologists tend to forecast daily highs much warmer than what is actually realized in what appears to be an attempt to mollify viewers into a false sense of an extended summer. This is something I personally find annoying, as I can't wait for summer's heat to be replaced by cool, crisp autumn days. The second end of summer indicator is what is referred to locally as "The Great Minnesota Get-Together", the Minnesota State Fair. The fairgrounds, located equidistant between the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, is home to one of the highest attended state fairs in the United States. I skipped the Fair last year but decided it was something I had to experience this year.

The day was overcast, windy, and only in the upper 50s which, for me, was perfect fair weather. I chose to ride an express bus to the fairgrounds from one of dozens of locations around the metro area offering round trip rides. As we approached the Fair I immediately discovered why using the bus service is highly advised. The volume of vehicular traffic was staggering. I was exceedingly happy to be dropped off at the gate following the hassle-free bus ride.

My first stop was the Miracle of Birth exhibit. The interior of the exhibit was crammed with all shapes and sizes of humanity, which made actually viewing the cute little baby calves or piglets almost impossible. I located a set of bleachers and climbed up to the top to get an elevated view above the hordes. Once there I was able to get a shot of a single little piglet being warmed by a heat lamp. I next wandered into the Cattle Barn and "Moo Booth" where I quickly realized that viewing the back ends of lazing farm animals was not overly entertaining.

Then it was on to the main midway where I was dazzled by all the colors and rides, the majority of which seemed to have as a singular goal the expulsion of the rider's lunch. Which brings me to what obviously is the primary reason for visiting the fair: the unbelievable assortment of food. Pronto Pups (like a corn dog only with a pancake-like covering versus a cornmeal covering), roasted corn, cheese curds, buckets (literally!) of chocolate chip cookies, sugary mini-donuts, honey ice cream, foot long dogs, fried candy bars, Spam burgers, and on and on and on. Much of the food was offered "on-a-stick", which made it easy to eat on the run as you made your way toward the next food booth. I sampled a few things, none of which I determined I couldn't live without. My biggest sampling surprise was at the booth hosted by the Minnesota Farm Winery Association, where I found an especially tasty dry red wine from the St. Croix Vineyards. Minnesota wine! Who knew?

I'm not sure I'll be a fairgoer every year, but I'm quite glad I had the opportunity this year to attend "The Great Minnesota Get-Together".

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