Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well, here I go, out into the blogosphere. This is the first post to my blog The Right Latitude.

The plan is to share my thoughts and images of interesting things I see and encounter in travels around my neighborhood, city, region, and the world at large. My intent is to not provide a travelogue, but rather highlight sights and experiences that a reader may not have the ability to participate in directly. For example, anyone not living in the Twin Cities in Minnesota would not be aware of the joy that is Minnesota winter. You're laughing, aren't you? I'm not joking here. For many of us, there is no better place to spend the winter. In this example my blog entries would try to illustrate what those of us who love Minnesota winter can see that make the Twin Cities our right latitudes. Which brings me to my blog's name - The Right Latitude (which is also the name of my newly formed company). I've had a lifelong fascination with maps and geography, and the name is in reference to global latitude and longitude coordinates. I believe every point on the globe has something to offer that makes it "right" if you are open to it. What I'll try and do is provide perspective through thoughts and shots of why a particular point might be interesting. This could be anything: new spring flowers growing in a park, a great biking trail, an appealing restaurant, an artful object, or the Great Wall of China (someday soon I hope!). In other words, no restrictions.

My goal will be to post one or two "latitudes" a week, so check back often and see what I'm up to. I hope to entertain you and illustrate some of my favorite latitudes and maybe inspire you to go out and find some right latitudes of your own.